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Dental Implants

Implant Supported Dentures

Another great option out there is having implant-supported dentures. Dental implants are placed into the bone and they actually have little connector pieces on there and the dentures will actually connect to those dental implants in Cincinnati. I’ve seen great stability with those. People are able to eat a little bit better than just your normal pair of dentures which might slide or might have some issues there.

With implant-supported dentures, it really does help out with the longevity, keeping that bone where it needs to be because the bone is not going to go down if the implant is there. So that’s really going to help over time to keep your smile a little bit longer and be able to keep your functionality a lot better up over time.

Dental implants are a revolutionary way to replace a missing tooth without sacrificing the health of your gums or jaw. With normal bridges, the bone where the missing tooth was attached can deteriorate, and even with a false tooth in place to prevent slipping of neighboring teeth, long term problems can still occur.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants involve the surgical insertion of a cylinder­-like implant that acts like the root of a tooth. The cosmetic dental implants are made of titanium, which naturally fuses to bone. At Anderson Dental Care, we specialize in the restoration of dental implants in Cincinnati. If you need an implant, we will refer you to an oral surgeon who will place your implant. Once healing is complete, we will attach a permanent false tooth that will look and feel just like the real thing!

Your permanent crown requires no more maintenance than a real tooth. It is natural looking, maintains the health of your surrounding teeth, and soon you’ll forget it’s even there.

Implant Supported Dentures

If you wear dentures and are tired of the slipping and irritation that can come from wearing them, implant supported dentures may be right for you!

Using a series of dental implants placed by an oral surgeon, implant supported dentures snap in place and are incredibly stable. No more pastes or putties – just a set of life-like teeth that will enable you to eat the foods you love. You’ll also be able to smile and talk with confidence you never had with standard dentures!

If you think an implant crown or dental implant are right for you and you’re in the Cincinnati area, call our office at (513) 716-1192, or make an appointment today using our online form.