Teeth Whitening
Sometimes the smile of your dreams is just a simple step away, which is why Anderson Dental Care offers teeth whitening in Cincinnati, OH. Imagine getting the professionally whitened smile of your dreams in the comfort of your own home!

When you come to our dental clinic we’ll start by examining your teeth. After one of our dentists determine if you are a good candidate for teeth whitening, we’ll take an impression of your mouth. This is used to create a custom-fit tray that will ensure complete and even whitening coverage.
Teeth Whitening At Home
At home teeth whitening is a safe and effective treatment, and the results produced are just as good as those done in the office. Custom fit trays make your teeth whitening experience great, and with the added bonus of doing it at home, you’ll be thrilled with the results!
Teeth Whitening So sometimes we have patients that come in that have yellow or discolored teeth. There’s a couple of options for that. One of the options is doing whitening, and with whitening we can do custom trays. So we take impressions that first time, we make those trays that are fit to your mouth, and we actually give you a material – a chemical that you place in there – and you wear those trays at home. So it only takes a couple of weeks, and we see a remarkable difference in people’s smiles; usually a couple shades difference where we can get them a lot whiter.
Teeth Whitening is done with a peroxide gel that you squeeze into your tray. Wear the tray for approximately thirty minutes a night for a couple of weeks, and you’ll soon have a beautiful white smile!
If you would like to find out more about getting the smile of your dreams through teeth whitening in Cincinnati, call our office at (513) 817-0834 or make an appointment using our online form.